
Mob Ties

Mob Ties - The Series

A group of "toughs" from the five (...well, nobody really knows how many) families gather

together, usually on Friday, they discuss, they make deals, they take direction

Mob Ties - Tune in often as the story evolves

Mob Ties - Observer Log 3
"...and you got this war talk stuff, they've got potholes on the roads that could

swallow a mini and they're talking about wars"

"Yeah, you take that Jersey pike and they've got potholes that can swallow a semi"

"It's always something with the talk, always with the gin up, tough guys, yeah, you

never see them behind the lines, know, I'd like to see them go a round with

Johnny or Nikko, ...I'd like to see some tough talking after that, ...yeah, a round,

make it 10 seconds"

"Mouthpieces on their little stage, actors in the theatre, all, forgotten tomorrow"

"...yeah, but, their damage remains"

"We'll see what this all brings, what's it going to look like next over there"

"Time, yeah, isn't it a thing, ...I mean, it already seems like ages ago since West

Coast was here, was good to see them, too bad old red couldn't make it, you

know, ...never thought old red would get old"

"Age, it's some thing, I had that little sidebar with his nephew, we're going to

take that visit out there, see their new set, see old red, it'll be good..."

"That'll be great, and we can go to all the spots, can't get all that

here, not even close, know, they always say it's the water,, when do you think we'll go, think it might be harder

to get out there if this war stuff, you know..."

"well, if that happens, then, we'll see..."

...just like that, there he is, all right, the boss, what's he going to say this week

To read what the boss had to say this week, click to reveal:

Mob Ties - They operate on honor...

Mob Ties - Tune in often as the story evolves